Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The 6th of May

Hi Mamma and Daddy,

You guys complete 28 years of being Married today. I almost cant believe its been that long. I still feel like your little girl. The kiss you insist on giving me everyday before I go out anywhere goes a long way in ensuring that, Mum.

You both are so predictable. Obviously Daddy forgot the date and Mom you were reading the paper Nonchalantly so that in case he doesn't remember the entire day you can give him hell for it. But of course I reminded him that today was indeed the 6th and not the 5th like he thought. And Of course, you two shook hands with Daddy congratulating you on having borne him and his far from perfect nature for so long, until I insist on a proper hug. (It is OK to do that in front of you 25 yr old daughter and 16 year old son you know).

Have you heard of Yin and Yang? The two diametrically opposing pieces that fit so comfortably within each other? Your that. Hard and Soft, Aggressive and Gentle, Careless and Meticulate, Loud and soft, Restless and calm, Impatient and unruffled, . Which qualities are encompassed in whom are anybody's guess. Mom, you find it easier to tell us you love us, make us our favorite food, knit us our sweaters, and buy us small surprises that endear you to us. Daddy, on the other hand, quietly endured being the sole bread earner in the family for the past 23 years, providing for all of us, our needs, wants, unnecessary luxuries even, while planning judiciously for our futures, ensuring we have a wonderful home to move into once he retires, even one in our native place, all on his own, with no backing from anyone. Yet, he never let us feel like we missed out on anything large in life. Oh, material things come and go, and wants are replaced easily with fancier, shinier things. But we had a good life, he never compromised on anything that would ensure a good upbringing for me or my baby brother.

Daddy plays the bad guy many times because he's horrible at explaining how he feels about a person. Most of the times he's goofing up and saying it wrong, and thats only because hes very bad at expressing his feelings like most men. Maybe its an alpha male syndrome. But you have to know how much he loves us, when he looks at you admiringly when your dressed up and going out, or when he has that look when I tell him I got a nice Bonus, or when he'd call Babybro up when he was in hostel and have that softness in his voice.

In spite of all this difference, Mum and Dad, you two are strikingly similar individuals.

You'll are both caring and kind, you treat the lesser sections of society and other helpers with utmost dignity and respect, something you should know both your kids have imbibed in their daily life as well. You both are stylish, dignified, and graceful and this is just amplifying day by day as you grow older. Mom thank you for the beautiful hair and eyes you gave me, Dad I Seem to have taken from you your ardent, restless, street smart and aggressive nature. While my kid brother, though too young to exhibit the values you wish to see in him, is shaping into a cute, well mannered, poised and smart young man.

It is of little surprise that you have two kids who carry themselves off with confidence and self belief, making a lot of others wish their kids had so much humility, grounded attitude that we do, when we were brought up with equal quantities of indulgence and strict withholding. We see now how not having everything we Wanted but everything we needed has shaped our personality to value the things we have.

As my would be wedding fell apart last year and I spent sleepless nights wondering how to break the news to you, you surprised me with your faith in me, your calm acceptance, your words of advice trying to understand what went wrong, your unshaken support of me and my decision and the feeling of protectiveness and calm. I'm ashamed thinking you would not support me and will fly off the handle hearing the news. I now know the true meaning when they say 'Parents will do anything for their children's happiness'.

For the people you've made us, for giving us values that money cant buy and no one can shake, for preparing us so beautifully for the tough world out there, thanks is not enough. Still, here's a promise. That we two will love you, cherish you and hope to be even a fraction of the parents you've been to us. We'll buy you unnecessary things that you want but dont need, write you letters like these to make your day, hopefully give you grandkids you'll love more than us, and make you feel like the two most important people in our lives, which by the way, you are.


Amit said...

congrats dear...its a special occasion ! have fun...i love reading ur posts...i am following u as well for some time..keep penning:) do visit

tk care!

Roy said...

looks like you could have gone on and on...

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to both of them... wish them on my behalf !!

Serendipity said...

Hie Amit! :) tks for that! Yep, i do read your stories!

Hoy Roy - Trust me, I couldve. tough to fit 25 years worth of gratitude into words i guess :)

Heyy Hitch - will do!
Also,i need a favor. you have a lot of traffic on your blog, I was wondering if you could put up the Indiahelps logo on your blog, we need to spread the word! Lemme know and ill mail you the html :)

Kritika said...

My parents have been married for 28+ years. I asked Mom one day that 28 years is like a lifetime, an eon, eternity, have you never felt bored, caged, restricted, disillusioned being wid the same person?

She said No. Never.

Anonymous said...

mail it to me... whatever we can do to help India we will !!! cheers...


this is a great compliment.. I have a lot of traffic... !! yaya...

*dancing with head banging*

Anonymous said...

do i just put it in the sidebar or anything else... !

Anonymous said...

I did put htat code.. but the pic doesnt appear... !! please check it !

v said...

Awesome post! loved every bit of it! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to your parents! :)

snow said...

beautiful!!! watching our parents sometimes makes me feel that marriage might not be such a bad idea after all lol

Serendipity said...

Hi Kamana :) I wonder how they do it. And I wonder how we'll do it.

Thanks Hitch :)

Hie Pplxd - thankee!

Hello Meso - thank u! :)

Yosnow! Absolutely.Marriage is not a bad thing at all! :D

Tongue-fu Lady said...

Hey Seren...
Sorry am a bit late with my wishes..Hearty congratulations 2 ur folks..! And you gave quite a tribute to such an amazing and beautiful bond u guys share...hi5 2 dat!
My folks recently had their silver jubilee ans all I could say/write was "25years of tolerance n acceptance" :P

dipali said...

Please hug your parents for me!
You and your brother are truly blessed:)

Arnab Majumdar said...

That was beautiful! It's a great thing for parents, when their kids realize everything they've done. All the sacrifices they made, all the tantrums they had to endure, all for the children's happiness...

Beautifully portrayed. Wishing your parents a belated Happy Anniversary... cheers :)

Imp's Mom said...

awww.... belated anniversary wishes to your parents :)

beautifully written...

Uniquely the same said...

What coincidence...its my mom dad 28th wedding anniversary as well on the same day!!