Thursday, July 5, 2007

Gap Filling :)

This would effectively be the third template ive changed to since i became a blogomaniac :) think ill go with this one. there's somethign about the un-symmetricity of the dots that goes with my personality. lol. someone's commented why i always say lol. my answer - its a gap filler. we all have them - Other common one's are "You know.." "Basically" "Like" or "Sort of" and the all time favourite "Anyway"

Gap fillers are basically sort of things to say like, when you know, you run out of things to say. hehehe i totally had fun doing that. When you gotta have a one hour long conversation with someone using gap fillers all the time it may get to you. ive been there. on both sides. Ive been the counter and the countee. in other words, ive been the one counting my professor say "ok" at the end of every sentence (117 in a lecture to be exact) and ive also been the one whose basically has bene counted by colleagues. Basically its a sign of wisdom. the more u say basically, the higher up in the organisation you are apparently i was told. this logic should be a Dilbert cominc strip. lol Poor Dogbert.

Referring to my previous post citing listlessness due to not having a good book to read, that has been temporarily resolved. i cant wait to go home.. i started it last night and im hooked, im a pick-up-book-and-read-till-end kinda person. ive been up till 5 and 6 in the morning doing just that!

Last night i saw an advertisement for Ally Mc Beal on Zee Cafe - they're gonna begin re-runs of all the old shows - All Mc Beal, Doogie Howser, Wonder Years, Full House etc. YAY!
as a college going dweeby kid everytime Ally's heart broke, mine broke too - and by the end of the series i was convinced i was goign to die alone too. lol refer Ally tellign her best friend "Maybe some people are just meant to be alone" . they should ban college going naive girls from watching these shows man. or give them a rating or something. Jeez even the songs used to be all about the wind stop blowing and the world stop turning and other natural disasters that wouldmaybe help her get over the one love Billy something.

what i cant understand is why she never fell for the other hotties! I mean Billy got MARRIED and went BALD! if it were me, it wouldve seriously helped speed the get over process! (either of the two things! )

Im also a huge fan of Full House! the twins WERE adorable. not anymore. they've lost themselves in the glitter gam sham of Hollywood and look exactly two girls being older than they should be and missing out on childhood completely. i hope they're not friends with Lindsay whose in rehab! Good grief! your 20 freaking years old! and in Rehab! i think of me at 20 and i think Pimple faced geekoid who thought turnign 20 was someone's revenge on her. (its downhil from 20 - 30, 40, 50 YIKESSSS)

Anyway.. thats all ranting about nothin for now. back for more in a bit. Can someone teach me to design my own template?


Nitin Bhandari said...

big gap after the gap filling thing ??

The Big Bad Wolf said...

I was in college when Ally McBeal used to air and watching it,I too felt the same way. In fact my whole group who used to watch that show which ironically consisted of 5 guys and 5 girls were all convinced we would die alone.
I own Season 1. Ive lent it to our mutual friend. You can re-watch it once she's done :)

The Big Bad Wolf said...

On a related note, we had a prof during our mba who would say the word friends after each sentence. The whole class counted the number of times he said it and clapped when he hit a 100 within 2 hours. He took it rather well :)

The Big Bad Wolf said...

Im leaving a lot of comments on this post coz it has activated several thoughts :) The filler words thingy is something i recently attended a training session to correct - it involved among other things being graded on the way you present. One of the criteria was to reduce your filler words- we had to play back sound recordings and count our filler was very interesting

The Big Bad Wolf said...

Which book are you reading?

The Nomad said...

Hey, youshould attempt writing it again, I promise it won't be boring as it won't come out the same anyway ...

Take care. Will call.

Ashwin said...

you know who asked me to drop in...

blogspot supports a couipls of external templates... you could probably have a look at them:

they have a nice help section on designing custom templates too... but you've probably read that already.

PS: you really must allow anonymous comments :)

Ashwin said...

er... sorry about them spellings

Serendipity said...

YAY!the post was saved. god bless auto save!
Rohan - finished reading The Kite Runner.. its brilliant! shal post about it sometime im sure, the words r ringing in my head.

Ashwin - Im a woman, i want to get to the bottom of everyhting anonymous :) just tyring to help myself a little here! p.s. thanks for the template advice.