Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The stars know...

"You may be a bit obsessed with finding your true purpose in life right now, Serendipity. Although you may not like to admit it, this may be occupying your thoughts a great deal of the time. Try not to be so stressed out about this. Realize that knowing your true purpose can take many years, even a lifetime, or careful thought and observation. Try to focus instead on enjoying more of the day-to-day moments, perhaps spent with your loved ones. You may just stumble onto the answer you were searching for... "

My Horoscope for today, 17th Dec '08! God read my mind.


Psyched said...

he read ur mind...

and answered mine too...

may be... i shud route my questions to him thru u...

seems he listens to u more than me...


Smita said...

Oh! Yes, isn't it bang on...

So girl any plans of enjoying the lovely & smalles moments of life???

Abhishek said...

Where do you get this horoscope from? I need to speak to God about mine!!!

Serendipity said...

@ Psyched - lol. Sure, will put in a word.

@ Smita - Im actually very excited today, have a college friends wedding to attend tomo. :)and I have a new pair of shoes :):)

@ Abhishek - u need to put in your birth date and time, and they mail you each day!

Anonymous said...

hey this astrocenter one I have it too. but it does not anything good any day :( so the message indeed goes to thrash :)

eye-in-sty-in said...

Hey! why didnt u just google the answer you were looking for, I hear google has all the answers! Btw, my best friend is getting married on Sunday. Looks like wedding season is on!