Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Errr... OK

Understood? Do not pluck flowers, plastics, or throw rabit in the sea.


Scarlett said...

Haha! How random!!

Aditya said...

You can't? What am I supposed to do with my half-eaten bunnies then?!

Ashwin said...



Where's this from?

vs said...

Heheheheh yes we are all against tiny floating rabbits ... they pose a danger to the environment, no matter how fluffy they are !

Serendipity said...

Its from a small sea-walk near Maker arcade at cuffe parade. the notice is hung on the gate!

One more snap from the same place, is at

Ashwin said...

Hmm... haven't been to that part of town yet... I think

Serendipity said...

Ashwin - must see. its a lovely place.

Anonymous said...

but jokes apart...the most of the commercialised sea shores in India are DIRTY !!