Thursday, January 17, 2008

Great Expectations

“No one believes their life is going to turn out just kind of ok. We all think we’re going to be great, and we feel a little bit robbed when our expectations aren’t met; but sometimes our expectations sell us short. Sometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected. You gotta wonder why we cling to our expectations; because the expected is just what keeps us steady, standing still. The expected is just the beginning; the unexpected is what changes our lives.”

-Dr. Meredith Grey


vs said...

I've had a hard time with expectations for a long time now ... especially regarding the things that matter the most to me. I think I'm over expectations ... Now I'm just stuck with routine. And hope for the unexpected.

Serendipity said...

Me too. But i learnt that expecting somethings and getting hurt is better than not having any, and hence not being hurt. Its like id prefer to raft on crashing waves than still waters.

Having said that, I wish there was an alogrithm god follwed to make dreams come true, so I could understand why one came true and the other didnt. "everythign happens for the best" isnt a good enough reason always.

vs said...

Hmm. Considering all the waves that are crashing around you, hope you're keeping afloat.

Stay strong.

Anonymous said...

Same here. I have started putting a plan B for most of the things. but know what expectations come with those scttered thins htreads of hope ; thats what keeps us going. Crashing down just becoz you could not make to one should not stop you to hope for more.
have u read that famous "V.S, Khandekar" quote from "amrutwel" ?

Aroj said...

I think to expect is to be alive..may be sometimes we put too much emphasis on this...and forget the magic that can happen with the unexpected.

Somehow, the unexpected always seems to give us the extra joy..u know, like how we feel so good after a surprise gift say,or unexpected rains, an unexpected call from a long lost friend...

But that doesnt mean to have no expectations at all...

"Its like id prefer to raft on crashing waves than still waters" .. totally agree with that!